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At all in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+75Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: in the leastthe least bitSimilar words: fatalnot at allcatalogat a lossat all costsat all timesdataat a timeMeaning: adv. in the slightest degree or in any respect. 
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(121) He remained at all times cool, calm and collected.
(122) I'm not at all sorry I came, I'm glad!
(123) She insisted on being present at all the interviews.
(124) Traffic lights have been placed at all major intersections.
(125) I hardly slept at all and felt pretty awful.
(126) 'Thanks a lot.' 'Not at all.'
(127) The queue's not moving at all.
(128) I do not like his attitude at all.
(128) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(129) " I don't agree at all,'she answered indignantly.
(130) Participation is encouraged at all levels.
(131) I'm afraid I've got nothing at all to say.
(132) Attendance is mandatory at all meetings.
(133) You must follow correct procedure at all times.
(134) The centre is staffed at all times.
(135) I don't agree at all[], I'm afraid.
(136) We'll only do it once-if at all.
(137) I certainly don't remember talking to you at all.
(138) I didn't find the joke at all amusing.
(139) Robin never really liked him at all.
(140) You can come to my house at all hours.
(141) The child isn't at all shy with adults.
(142) He is bent on winning at all costs.
(143) His remarks does not weigh with me at all.
(144) We laughed dutifully at all his jokes, even the ones that weren't funny.
(145) This film isn't novel at all, only splicing love to fight.
(146) She's a strange person - I can't make her out at all.
(147) If she showed any tendency to coquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she "took up" with him at all, to call her by her first name.
(148) Why do gays have to come out at all? Why can't they just live their lives discreetly?
(149) You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.
(150) The first thing that stands out in his speech is that he didn't put us in the picture at all about the war.
More similar words: fatalnot at allcatalogat a lossat all costsat all timesdataat a timedatabaseat any costat any rateat any timetaletalkmetalvitalrentalbrutalinstalltotallylet aloneget alongcrystalItaliancapitaldigitalcoastalmentallyparentaltalk with
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